Sunday, November 1, 2015

Catching UP

 We have had a busy month. Gypsy welcomes the cool, fall weather. One thing she looks forward to is the annual "Bark in the Park" that is a fund raiser for the local shelter. Hundreds of dogs attend and compete in talent contests, parades, tail wagging contest, and other humiliating things for both dogs and owners.
A three legged boxer dressed up like a lobster?

Gypsy met a little Cavalier King Charles dressed up in a Ravens jersey. Gypsy isn't much of a Ravens fan but enjoyed this little guy.
Go Browns!!
OK, something is wrong with this right? A tutu on a St. Bernard? It would have looked nicer on Gypsy. And her owner seemed to be proud of her.

Yesterday we took a hike in the woods. It Halloween afternoon and one of those days that you don't want to end. Gypsy was really excited to get into the woods.
 It is an absolutely beautiful trail. We usually let Gypsy run off leash but we kept on leash yesterday. She was so excited I think she might have taken off on a long run, sniffing everything along the way. We were in a State Park but it is adjacent to land that guys hunt. Gypsy can look like a deer running through the woods.
Gypsy was exhausted by the time we got home. She crashed out in the backyard in a sun spot, taking a power nap preparing for trick or treating.

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