Sunday, February 3, 2013

More Snow!

We woke up this morning and had a few inches of snow. We wake up early in our house. You can see the sun isn't up yet. Anyway, it was very pretty to wake up to.

Rim and Gypsy ran a few extra laps in the snow. Rim is beginning to figure out that snow is fun to play in and not just for eating.

One thing we especially like to do during a snow day is to torture the cats. We sprinkle some bird seed up close to the back door on the snow. The little birds come up to feast and the cats line up, stalking the birds. They will do this all morning long, tails swishing and an occasional paw batting the window. I think they discuss what a bird would actually taste like if they had a chance to open the door. "Hummm tastes like chicken!"

After he gets bored with bird watching, Moose like to relax with a visit to the spa. Nothing like a facial after some serious bird watching.

1 comment:

Emily said...

all the cats lined up is TOO much! hahaha