Friday, June 14, 2013

Dog Smiles

The other day while on a bike ride, a friend of mine was telling me that between travels and hot weather, he had not been able to take his two dogs for a walk in several days. He continued to tell me that the previous night was nice so he grabbed the dogs and off they went on their walk. My friend said that several times during the walk his dogs would turn around and look and him with a big smile. As if to say thanks, this is the greatest. Gypsy has always given us big smiles. Ever since she was a puppy. Chances are, if you came to our house you would hear her called "Smiley" more than Gypsy. I guess dogs have emotions just like we do.
Gypsy has been a very happy dog lately. The other day we were out on the deck and that is one of her favorite things to do with us. Relax on the deck, check for birds, on the lookout for bunnies, and make sure we are accounted for. I just happened to take these pictures of her as she turned towards me. I think from the picture you can tell she is happy with a big smile on her face.

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